You've been tagged! You must list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections ,and 3 surprising facts.
3 Joys1. Family
2. Religion
3. Outdoors
3 Fears1. Death of someone in my family.
2. Having my kids fall away from the church.
3. Driving off a cliff. (see below)
3 Current Obsessions/Collections1. Scrapbooking
2. I used to collect frogs, but I just gave them to a coworker. Hope you enjoy them GleeAnn!
3. ?????????????????????????
3 Surprising Facts1. I went off a 40 ft cliff (on a three wheeler) and lived to tell about it. (explains fear above)
2. I average about 5-6 hours of sleep/night.
3. I was told by a physician to quit playing sports my Jr yr due the number of concussions I had. Come to find out I had damaged part of my brain. (I'm sure partly due to the 40 ft fall off the cliff)