Well Today I had a dental apt and my dentist was asking me about my job and how I could work in that kind of environment. (I am a radiation therapist and give cancer patients their radiation treatments for those of you who didn't know what I do.) I told him I love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. His response was "I guess you just have to not get close to the patients." But I do I love and care for my patients dearly and when you see them and their families day after day for a couple months you get close to them. Yes it is hard, but they remind you each and every day about what is important in life and what really matters. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of today's world but many of our patients are just happy to be here another day. It is so sad to see the ones that are terminal knowing that we can only ease the pain or slow the process, but in the end the cancer will win. It is hard for me to see the spouse because I can't but help feel a flood of emotions for them. They have no idea -
what it feels like to have the world they know come caving down on them. They have now idea
-the countless nights they will lie awake gripping the pillow tightly tears would be streaming down their face if they had any left. They have no idea -
they will wonder how the world can go on like nothing has happened. I just hope they have prepared as much as they can (not that it will make it any easier) and hopefully they have some good supportive help in that time of need. So yes it is a tough job but do I believe we are doing our best and fighting all we can against cancer? You bet I do! Do I think we have come a long way? Heck yea! The treatment of cancer is getting better and better all the time. The best way to increase your prognosis is early detection so get your check ups and routine exams. I love the quote by Randy Pausch who just died of Pancreatic cancer.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." Randy left a wife and three young kids. Thoughts and prays go to him and his family and the many others dealing with similar situations. May be thankful for what you have because in an instance it can change.
Oh my heck Brand you have me in tears knowing that you know first hand how hard it is going to be for these families going through this. I hate cancer and I can't wait until they have a cure for it all and I pray that this will happen someday. I think that you are one of the best people to work in this field because you are the strongest person that I know! I love ya :)
Amen Sister! What a nice post...reminds me of our conversation last week. This life is SO precious and short.
I am so glad you are doing what you are doing. Mom had so many wonderful people at her side the 4 years she fought the terrible disease. Each of them made her life, and ours a little easier to bear.
Thanks for the reminder.
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